Teaching History Through Masterpieces of Art

by Patrick Halbrook

Presented at the 2019 ACCS Conference

We all want our students to know and to love great works of art, to delight in the beauty of a masterpiece by Raphael or Rembrandt. We also want our students to develop a clear vision of history, understanding the trajectory of Western civilization and the ideas and values that have defined it from age to age. How can teachers accomplish both of these purposes by effectively integrating the study of art and history? In this workshop we will explore the theory and practice of introducing students to great works of art in a way that conveys the values and ideals of the cultures and eras in which they were produced. This Francis-Schaeffer-inspired approach seeks to deepen students’ understanding of history through engaging lessons that tie together art, culture, philosophy, and theology. The concepts and activities presented in this workshop have been developed over the past decade of teaching high school history classes, but can be implemented in any history or art classroom.